At Masters, we know how important it is that we continuously offer our customers a reliable and professional service. That is why we attain accreditations to demonstrate to businesses that we have quality and professional systems and procedures in place to make their supply chain more efficient.
We’re excited to announce that we recently achieved the following accreditations:
- FORS Bronze accreditation
The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is an industry-led accreditation scheme, which aims to promote safe and sustainable road freight transportation. By achieving our bronze accreditation, it demonstrates that we employ good practices, we are dedicated to our driver and vehicle safety, and we are constantly striving to improve operating practices through monitoring fuel and tyre usage.
- ISO 90001 registered
By being awarded this certification, it shows that we have a systematic attitude to quality management and we are ensuring our customers’ needs are clearly understood, agreed and fulfilled.
- ISO 14001 standard
Seen as the most important standard in the ISO 14000 series, our ISO 14001 certification demonstrates our commitment to protecting the environment as we do all we can to minimise our environmental impact of our operations, and comply with environmental legislations.
If you have any questions about our accreditations or if you would like more information about how we help businesses with their warehousing and distribution requirements, get in touch with Mervyn Jeffery, Business & Commercial Development Manager, by calling 01353 648222.