Six exciting reasons to join the logistics business

  • logistics businessLogistics is one of the most indispensable career professions in the world. Because as a society, we rely on a centralised system; without the meticulous planning and distribution of resources – catastrophic shortages would ensue. The goods and products that sustain us would fail to arrive on time, if at all; and mass disorder and societal breakdown would surely follow!

    And it’s not just food and fuel; it’s everything you can think of, all the things you take for granted, and more. From people to post to animals, through to goods and services; It’s all about moving, warehousing, and providing our everyday EVERYTHING. Without the transport and logistics industry, life as we know it would cease to exist. This may sound rather apocalyptic, but it’s true; the logistics business defines the way we experience our lives.

    The skills necessary for a career in logistics vary as widely as the industry’s professions list. However, the one essential ingredient is a keen interest in being part of an industry so tremendous in value, that it literally makes the world go round.

    Logistics – a wondrously diverse array of job opportunities await

    Every industry and person worldwide depend on logistics and transport. As a result of this, there is a myriad of diverse careers available. Logistics is a fast-paced and ever-changing sector. Logistics related tech also continues to evolve at an alarming rate; autonomous cars are already a reality and trucks aren’t far behind. Uber, Embark and Tesla have already set the tech-bar – developing long haul autonomous trucks. Meanwhile, Amazon is talking about the future of package delivery via drones, aptly named Amazon Prime Air.

    Here are our top motives for joining the movement;

    1. The logistics business pays well, and rewards are plentiful

    In 2019 the average salary of a lorry driver rose 5%, compared to the national average, which increased by 2%. Moreover, due to a shortage of drivers, companies are far more inclined to treat their staff with regard and try to hang on to them by offering bonuses and incentives.

    2. The tech

    Today, internet and software advancements provide customers access to tracking and shipping systems 24/7. This greatly enhances the user experience, also saving crucial time and money for companies. Moreover, from Amazon Prime drones, delivering packages to customers doorsteps, to automated trucks and super-enhanced GPS systems – logistics technology advances are mind-bogglingly brilliant and are significantly pushing the boundaries of the industry’s business capabilities.

    3. Variety is the spice of life

    From a busy delivery centre manager to a factory floor worker, or a bustling office administrator, or a driver, cruising the roads of Europe. From a drivers mate to the CEO of a leading logistics corporation, to an Amazon Prime Air drone operator of the future – your daily work could manifest in one of MANY new forms. Due to the global and transient nature of the logistics business, there’s also plenty of opportunities for overseas jet-setting through client visits, business trips, or to review supply chains.

    4. Accountability breeds Response Ability




    “The detailed organisation and implementation of a complex operation.”

    As a logistics manager, the weight of an entire organisation’s supply chain will befall you to ensure that the product is in the right place at the right time, in the correct quantity. This well-oiled machine requires meticulous efficiency and high-functioning teamwork. It’s a logistician’s diligence and hard work that keeps the wheels turning.

    5. All education levels are welcome

    Logistics jobs don’t require an Einsteinian IQ, just a solid work ethic, logical mind and a massive dose of common sense. There are essential skills that’ll aid in your application acceptance and job success, from degree level. Although other qualifications can be obtained on the job, such as NVQ. A positive attitude and professional approach will get you a long way in a highly satisfying career.

    The logistics team comprises of a vast network of hard-working people. They are the fabric of an immense system of finely tuned cogs, each piece intrinsic in the smooth and seamless success of the industry. Within this huge network is plenty of room for progression within the industry if you have the drive, talent and the grit.

    The skill sets required include:

    • Project management – as people frequently work in cross-functional teams; these skills are essential across both transport and logistics.
    • Numeracy – The ability to understand and analyse data is crucial.
    • Problem-solving and decision-making – the ability to analyse situations; and make logical and workable decisions.

    6. Job opportunities are RIFE

    Regardless of its significance in our societal fabric, logistics is a severely under-appreciated and underrated career path. Unlike jobs in medicine or the creative industries, for example, logistics tends to slip under the radar for many school leavers and graduates. However, for those seeking a satisfying and increasingly well-paid vocation – this one is ready and waiting! Lots of roles need filling, and the opportunities to progress quickly within the industry are endless.

    Working in the logistics sector isn’t necessarily seen as trendy, techy or glamorous, but all these things only exist in those of companies because of the logistics and supply chain sector. Without logistical involvement; those trendy companies wouldn’t function.

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